Growing Up: speak so people will listen & HI!!!!!!!

Guys hello!!!!

I have missed you. It has been weeks since I have written and not a moment has gone past where I haven't thought of you. Just kidding. But honestly I have been meaning to write every week for about the last 6 weeks. How rude of me to last time say "hey I'm going to write a lot more frequently again", and then to ghost you. That's like f**kboy behaviour no? Anyway here we are.

(fboy definition for my Dad to avoid being accused of swearing for the sake of it:
F**kboy: A guy who lies to girls so he can pull as much as possible. He thinks he is god's gift to earth. He will lie to you about planning a future together and then when you start to get too serious he will ghost you. F***boys invented ghosting.

Thanks Urban Dictionary. A literary example, if I may... have you read Jane Austen's Sense & Sensibility? Mr Willoughby. OG F**kboy right there. Oof.

(NB: Girls can be f**kboys too. This isn't a stab at men. Men you are loved and appreciated and needed on this Earth.))

Okay anyway. I was thinking about this idea of speaking honestly and remembered something I shared with you guys many months ago.

Wait a sec... it wasn't actually last edition that I said I was going to write more regularly, it was the edition before. They were both bangers if you missed them:

Growing Up: you can't be anything but you can be yourself

Growing Up: how to be a good dom & dead birds

Okay on honesty!!! Honesty is important (esp honesty with ourselves) but we want honesty tempered with love when communicating with others. What is the purpose of the words you are sharing? Absolute honesty "good morning dear friend. wow you look ugly today" not always necessary.

The idea of honesty tempered with love is from Julian Treasure's 2018 TED talk How to speak so that people want to listen.

I wrote about it back here in June 2023: Growing Up: how to get people to listen to you and online sexual threats

That is kind of all I wanted to say!! I could keep going but I just want to send this so we can be besties again.

This (and last) week on Growing Up with Delia Burgess
Last ep I told you about was ep 121. 9 episodes have come out since!!!! Ahhhh check em out wherever you get your podcasts...

P.S. Hi from New York! Flying to Austin tomorrow...

P.P.S. I am not really a f***boy!!!! I can't wait to speak to you again soon and I hope you forgive my absence xoxo

P.P.P.S. For all the newbies... hi welcome!!! You have never received an email from me so you have no idea what I'm talking about. So glad you have you here :)

Listen to Growing Up with Delia Burgess on Apple, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts :)

Previous editions here.

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Hi! I'm Delia Burgess

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