Hiiiiiii, I'm back! Okay this email is v intense but v powerful... So, remember when I sent you: Growing Up: how to be a good dom & dead birds about the book Unbound: a Woman's Guide to Power by Kasia Urbaniak. You know, the taoist nun / dominatrix lady? And this quote: "Many of us prefer to deny that power dynamics exist, outside of games played by greedy, dishonest manipulators. But, like gravity, just because you deny the existence of something doesn't mean it doesn't affect you." (the...
about 2 months ago • 7 min read
Guys hello!!!! I have missed you. It has been weeks since I have written and not a moment has gone past where I haven't thought of you. Just kidding. But honestly I have been meaning to write every week for about the last 6 weeks. How rude of me to last time say "hey I'm going to write a lot more frequently again", and then to ghost you. That's like f**kboy behaviour no? Anyway here we are. (fboy definition for my Dad to avoid being accused of swearing for the sake of it:F**kboy: A guy who...
2 months ago • 2 min read
"Many of us prefer to deny that power dynamics exist, outside of games played by greedy, dishonest manipulators. But, like gravity, just because you deny the existence of something doesn't mean it doesn't affect you." Right, so I am reading a veryyyyy interesting book about POWER. It's by a Taoist nun / dominatrix lady. & although the target audience is women (subtitle literally 'a woman's guide to power'), men I think you are going to find this interesting as well so do read on... Unbound: A...
4 months ago • 7 min read
"But if it is an apple tree it will not have the ability to bear pears or plums." Guys hey, By popular demand I am writing more regularly again. So hi! (People actually read what I write? And want more? Crazy I know) I'll make this quickish though as last week was lengthyyyy (here if you missed it: Growing Up: lemme end your suffering real quick & the problem with religion) First up: "There had been a lot of situations where I was essentially told to shut up because I didn't belong to XYZ...
5 months ago • 4 min read
Guys hiiiiii I am back from the 10 day Vipassana retreat. I spent last week getting myself back into balance by eating loads of junk food and watching Tiktoks late at night. I am now here writing to you, so excited to share, but my brain is exploding there's so much I want to tell you about so bear with... THIS IS LONG (maybe longest yet?), but great. You're going to love it. As discussed before I went in (Growing Up: you must bring forth what is within you) the 10 days looked like: 4am...
5 months ago • 12 min read
Hi guys, Ahhhh I'm feeling so nervous. I think it's because I'm going on my first ever Vipassana retreat tomorrow... 10 day silent retreat. No reading / writing / speaking / touching... not even a cheeky jog on the spot or a downward dog. 4am wakeup bell (gong?) and then many, many hours of cross legged meditation on the floor... wish me luck!! Can share more when I'm on the other side if anyone's interested... would love to hear about your experience too if you've done one... (more on...
6 months ago • 4 min read
Hello! Oops it's been a while... just realised longer than I thought as I have four podcast eps to tell you about. wooo But first... I've started reading Paul Millerd's The Pathless Path. Paul worked in strategy consulting for several years before walking away to "embrace a pathless path"... In a ten‑year period, I worked for five companies and spent two years in grad school. I moved from job to job, convinced the next stop was always the final stop. My restlessness was easy to hide because...
7 months ago • 5 min read
Guys ahhh sorry this is long. But good! I promise. Enjoy xx (it's also very enthusiastic, brace yourselves for many exclamation marks) 1) Please excuse this interruption to regular programming. I have a minor request. (Don't worry it's going to make your life better and also someone else's, yay!... It's my birthday on Friday & I entitle myself to one request of you per annum.) Okay so the request is... Please take 2 mins to write to someone who you feel gratitude towards! That's it! Maybe...
8 months ago • 9 min read
"Most people aren't lucky enough to get fired and die a slow spiritual death over 30-40 years of tolerating the mediocre" from The 4-Hour Workweek, by Tim Ferriss, the book I'm currently finishing (and yes I have been doing the "comfort challenges" including lying on the ground in the middle of the pavement on a busy London street, two days in a row. Am I insane? Quite possibly.) Okay guys I actually did what I said I'd do last week and read Nobody Wants to Read Your Sh*t by Steven...
8 months ago • 7 min read